In this post we will consume the web service we published in my earlier post. If we you haven't read my first post I would strongly recommend you to do so. How to Publish Custom Codeunit as Web Service and consume it in Navision Part 1 In Network Credential you have to provide the username, password and domain name. SOAPAction you can find in the boomerang which we used earlier. Similarly you can the schema in the boomerang and load it in the XMLDoc.LoadXML() function. The response we will get store it in outstream and with XMLNode.Innertext extract the result. I have finally imported the result through the XML we created in my earlier post. Hope the article was helpful to you.
In this post we will create a codeunit and publish this as a web service which will read a xml and send the XML in a variable big text format and consume the web service in another Codeunit of Navision I will divide this Blog into 2 parts. In the first part we will be publishing the Codeunit as web service. In the second part we will be consuming the web service. Pre-requisite- 1) You will have to create staging table, I have created customer staging table. 2) You will also have to create XMLport for the staging table we created so that we can export and import data into the table. 3) You will need to install Chrome extension Boomerang (we will discuss its use later on). Let’s begin- I have created a staging table of customer with Primary Key as Entry No Similarly, I have created a XMLport of this staging table. Please change the Encodin...